
The "Marmolada" Choir was founded in 1949 in Venice by a group of young men in love with mountainneering as well as with its songs, who wanted to sublimate this passion even by calling themselves according to the name of the Queen of the Dolomites: Marmolada.

Since 1964 the Coir has been continuosly led by the present director Lucio Finco, who now is being helped by Claudio Favret. In the Fifties Lucio Finco was still a member of the choir, who was gifted with an istinctive sensitivity and with an innate vocation to conveying the evocative power of choral singing and therefore was able to lead the group to face up to lots of experiences over the years, in spite of the turnover of about 150 singers: with this intensive activity the Choir has gained public favour as well as general consent by the critics.

Expressiveness, delicacy of the personal interpretations and the selection of a repertoire aimed explicitly to the musical involvement both of the singers and of their audience, are the main gifts ascribed to th Venetian Group.

The Marmolada Choir has made varied activities: they have made concerts all over Italy, also in prestigious venues (usually forbidden to folk music groups); they have also made tours in Switzerland, Wales, France, Greece, Austria as well as in Argentina and Brazil (2003). They also recorded Lps and participated in national TV broadcasts - "Domenica In" and "Ci Vediamo in TV".

In 1994 a special Venetian commission awarded to the Marmolada Choir the prize "Altino" for their professionalism and their contribution in spreading the choral singing, particularly among youths.

In 1999 the Marmolada Choir celebrated its first 50 years of activity.

Numerous events were organized to celebrate this birthday, among which we think it right to mention the concert that was held on December 9 in the charming Basilica of S. Mark and also the different Cds "Coro Marmolada in concert", "Cinquant'anni in Armonia" and "Note di Natale" which were published during that year.


....................................................................... Coro Marmolada
  Associazione culturale
  cas. post. 264 - 30100 Venezia
  E-Mail: [email protected]
  Sito: http://www.coromarmolada.it
